Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Baby Chick Applique From Planet Applique

This adorable baby Chick applique will make your Easter crafting all warm and fuzzy! Checkout out below how this embroidery machine designs sews out. He takes about 8 minutes to make and is super easy and simple.

Step1: Load the baby chick file and stitch the die line. (color1)
Place a piece of fabric over the die line and the run the tack down stitch. (color2)

Step 3: Using double curved applique scissors trim around your fabric. It should look something like this once you are done trimming the fabric away.

Step 4: Once you've trimmed your fabric, the machine will now stitch in this order: beak and legs (color3), and then the body (color 4)

Step 5: Last to stitch is this baby chicks brown eyes :) Isnt he so cute! If you want to give this baby chick a try, scoot over to Planet Applique and pick him up :)


  1. i found your designs a few weeks ago and now i'm having trouble getting your website pulled up - anysuggestions?

  2. Hmmm Maybe doing a cookie refresh and delete temp internet files might help. Its because I've redone the site and the content is all new so some PC's are having a hard time shoudl resolve over a short time as everything on the web gets updated and your pc has time to refresh on its own. In the meantime you can try f5 or clean your temp files and cookies. Let me know if it doesnt work.

  3. Another cute design! I own SO many of yours and they all stitch great!!!

    Thanks for continuing to come up with great appliques!


  4. i LOVE your website and am glad i found your blog to follow. Great tips for photographing your items- I feel like my pictures are all "blah" when my projects are cool, so hopefully these will help!

  5. Thanks for showing step by step on the appliques that really helps a beginner like me!

  6. Many thanks for revealing. Very simple to use and straightforward to master. Done well!

  7. That is a lot of great details. I found lots of things that I've been searching for.

  8. Becca, I think your blog is great... I hope you post more projects/tips soon!

    I'm giving you the "Stylish Blogger Award" ... check it out
